Monday, December 1, 2008

Watch Out - An Amateur Blogging

Thanksgiving 2008 was the best I've ever had!
I played with my girls all morning long at the park instead of cooking in the kitchen.
I cooked literally all day on Wednesday. My girls took turns helping me.


Melica and Aaron said...

Michele, I just found your blog through Angela's. I can't believe you have six girls! We are so far behind. I can't wait to read more and hear what you guys are up to. You have a beautiful family! - Melica Leishman

Angela said...

Your girls are so beautiful! We can't wait to see them during Christmas! (You and Sam too!)

Aimee said...

This is Aimee, Justin Ostermiller's wife, I found your blog thru Angela's, and I found hers thru my dear friend, Lisa's. I can't believe you have 6 girls. What a blessing. We have 2 boys, Cameron is 10 and Cody is 5, and we are desparately trying to have another. Where do you live now? How is Jocelyn? Tell her I finally did become a CNA.

Stacie Cooper said...

Hey i'm so glad to hear from you! If it's ok I'll add you to my blogging friends list.
About the digital scrapbooking - this is actually the only program that i've been impressed with the pre-done templates for books. they have two ways to subscribe to the program. one way is free and then the premier service, the one with the cutest templates, is a monthly fee.
give me your email address and I can give more information. I'm actually in the process of geting a new email address and website so I'll be blogging about that within the enxt few days.
Once again so good to hear from you!